Alaska Power Association Annual Meeting
Blair Patnaude, Regional Business Developer, will attend the APA Annual Meeting at Wedgewood Resort in Fairbanks, Alaska. Stop by the PCS booth and say hello! The conference will feature informative presentations, networking opportunities, and collaborative meetings. It is designed to continue advancing the industry that powers the Last Frontier.
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Regional Meeting 5 & 6
Doug Dorhout, Regional Business Developer, will attend the NRECA Region 5 & 6 Meeting in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This dynamic conference includes valuable networking, insights on issues that affect your community, exchanging ideas and best practices, and getting up-to-date on the latest news and trends.
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Regional Meeting 7 & 9
Angie Miller, General Manager, will attend the NRECA Region 7 & 9 Meeting in Sacramento, California. NRECA Regional Meetings bring together electric co-op CEOs/general managers, directors, voting delegates and key staff to engage with industry experts and colleagues who share common issues. Co-op leaders make vital contributions to the role America’s electric cooperatives will play in leading the new energy future.